S H A R P E N E R & E R A S E R
3D Prototyping
Fast and Cost Efficient Modelling

Project Objective
3D prototyping was a relatively new discovery to the modern generation. Through many years of research and development, companies have made it easier than ever for CAD operators to visualize their products. The purpose of this project was to promote the use of 3D prototyping for fast and cost efficient modelling by, constructing a pencil sharpener. I wanted to make my own project unique and therefore, started thinking of ways to join the two most important tools needed for a pencil; the sharpener and the eraser. After many sketches and design ideas, I came across a way to join the two utensils elegantly and ergonomically. The dimensions of a sharpener were accurately measured with a caliper to insure that a blade could perfectly fit into the hole and sharpen properly. The eraser hole was also measured to insure that a regular sized rectangular eraser could fit and stay in place. Grips were placed along the sides of the sharpener to give the user more grip and control for when the product was being used. The finalized design can be found below and only cost 0.50 $ to print on a Stratasys Object 30 pro.
Final Product